There are several HD Analog formats available today – including HD-TVI, HD-SDI, AHD, and HD-CVI – all of which promote some level of compatibility with traditional analog cameras. However, the compatibility of HD-TVI solutions – with analog, HD, and IP cameras – is unparalleled by other HD Analog technologies.
Analog CCTV Camera Compatibility
Like some other HD Analog formats (including HD-CVI and AHD), HD-TVI recorders are compatible with any traditional analog camera. But only HD-TVI recorders can accept traditional analog inputs to ANY channel, in ANY configuration. So users are able to mix and match analog and HD cameras as the application requires - the flexibility is unlimited. This cannot be said of other HD Analog formats.
HD Analog Camera Compatibility
HD Analog recorders are not compatible with cameras of other HD Analog formats. Additionally, most HD Analog recorders are only compatible with HD Analog cameras carrying the same brand. HD-TVI is currently the only exception…all HD-TVI recorders are compatible with all HD-TVI cameras – regardless of brand.
IP Camera Compatibility
Alibi is the first and currently the only brand to offer a “Hybrid+” HD-TVI solution – also referred to as a “tri-brid” solution – supporting inputs from analog, HD-TVI and IP cameras. Alibi HD-TVI recorders accept 1-2 IP inputs (based on total number of DVR channels), to ANY channel, in ANY configuration.
Note: Currently, Alibi HD-TVI recorders are only compatible with Alibi-branded IP cameras.
HD Analog Compatibility Matrix
HD Format | Analog | HD Analog | IP |
HD-TVI | All analog cams any channel / config |
any HD-TVI cam, any channel |
any Alibi IP cam (Hybrid+) 1-2 channels / any config |
HD-SDI | Some analog cams Limited channel / config |
only like-branded HD-SDI any channel |
N/A |
AHD | All analog cams Limited channel / config |
only like-branded AHD any channel |
N/A |
HD-CVI | All analog cams Limited channel / config |
only like-branded HD-CVI any channel |
N/A |
You can see from the above HD Analog comparisons, that HD-TVI offers a clear compatibility advantage.
Note: HD analog and HD-TVI technology is continuing to evolve quickly. This content is based on the information available at this time, as of October of 2014.