Snooze Eatery – Customer Highlight

Needs & Requirements
Snooze Eatery franchise restaurant owners were looking for a single, one-stop-shop security solution that could integrate across multiple locations, versus their current setup of multiple, different security systems for different locations. Alibi Cloud VS was able to streamline Snooze’s need for a security system, letting owners and managers view their restaurants remotely, 24/7.
Alibi Cloud VS also allowed Snooze Eatery to become more efficient in training opportunities for their staff, increasing efficiency from an operational standpoint, as well as capture employee-customer interactions, slip and fall incidents, common areas and entry/exit points

Why Alibi Cloud VS Won:
Alibi Cloud VS won over Snooze Eatery owners with a simplified, streamlined and scalable security solution that allowed owners and managers to view cameras from a single dashboard, in turn increasing operational efficiency while reducing the time spent behind a computer or mobile device reviewing footage.
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Learn how Alibi Cloud VS offers scalable, simple, powerful cloud security while maintaining HIPAA compliance.
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Mon-Fri 8am-6pm CT